
Pictures & Words | Jim Kofron Photography | Jim Kofron

Pictures & Words

The play was great!

The kids did a tremendous job on "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." It was very funny, and nicely acted too! They were fabulous!

Photos from the preparation are here.


Brighton Cast Photos are up!

I've loaded the gallery of the cast photos for this year's drama troupe from Brighton K-8. As always, the kids were a real treat to work with. This link will open the gallery of their photos. Enjoy! They go up on the wall next weekend.

Spring is coming!

It's been above freezing for a few days, and the snow is either melting or changing into fog.


K-8 Cast Shoot

We had a good time (as usual) shooting the cast photos for the Brighton school play. All the kids did great, and we got a lot of photos done in a couple hours. Lousy batteries almost ran out on me by the end of it. Here are a couple examples; they're not necessarily the final pictures and everything will likely be in black and white. These two definitely had the wildest hair...

Copyright 2014, Jim Kofron. All rights reserved.